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have Chinese?

Wow, I’ve been following this project for over a year, will we still have a new update?

Hello! Is this still in development?!?!

When meetin Diedre and choosing the honest option after talking her down it says she has a gun but before it says she has a knife?

Also while meeting Diedre in the prison you say he and she often when talking about Diedre is it a chick or a dude???

I made it to 100days and 300 influence but……the game's content are really  little……is this the end?

We had health problems in our team... I hope we can continue working on it as soon as we can (writing this with  a broken finger

Looks like this game is based on ai painting, still sorry to hear this, hope you get well soon(˃ ⌑ ˂ഃ )

Are you going to create a discord?

Not in our plans now, we are putting all our efforts in the game :) 

Maybe in the future.

Good luck creating the game, I really like the art of it

Good game so far and if I find word oops(grammar) where should I send it to get it fixed? Also one other thing with three lines of text on screen it pushed the third line under the menu bar. (first found when recruiting Deirdre) It makes it hard to read the words on that line.

Send it in a comment if yoy want :) and... we'll looking on the three lines thing.

Here is what I found so far, I put the fix in parenthasis by the grammar/spelling oops

I Already know her, and I know where she is and she's an easy target. (already should not be capitalized)

The girl lowers the gun. She Even she doesn't seem to trust at all, but she seems to have gained trust with you. (This line is a little garbled. Did you mean to make it as "She doesn't seem to trust at all, but she seems to have gained some trust in you."?)

Line is too long: There's a certain moment of connection between the two of them, a spark, I can feel that core of magic beating in her chest, fueled by her feelings.

She has been causing trouble since she was little and always runs away from her families Unfortunately.

You ve-come!(You've come!)

Mis-gendered He's should be She's: I'm sure he would jump on me it it wasn't for the vigilance and the fact that he's wearing handcuffs.

Mis-gendered: Human warmth, something that has been alien to him(her) for a long time.

But I need to be careful.... to expant(expand) it. I need to spend that Influence.

And I need influence to recruit students and staf... (staff)

Recruiting Elsa: I didn't expect her (to be) so... Interesting. She's stylish, she's elegant.(She's stylish and elegant.)

And why would I kike(like) to do that?

Esy.(easy) Come with me. Come to my Academy. You'll be free there.

How could I say not(no) to this splendid offer.

The treasures I missold(mis-sold) have brought us to our current point.

Mis-gendered need to be female pronouns: He had work to do in his office and didn't take me a week to have everything ready.

Mis-gendered: I tried to explain to her, but there was no way.

Mmmmf, don't you dare mocking(mock) me.

Elsa's recruitment quest stays active after finishing it.

We changed  a lot of text in 0.2 development... can we have your email?

Yeah, you got a email so I can message you, that way my email isnt in a public post.

Oh... true.

this is our email :)

hy Quick question
will we be abele to share the girls with other people(whoring them out or other wise) or will it stay one on one acktions.
also how depraved are you planig to make this game ?
(what kind of fetisches)

Not sure yet, working on it.

No NTR for sure.

Hey our  game is fire bro keep going! I'd be grateful if you could keep in mind the optimization for low-ram phones (I have 2gb Ram :/) 

Does it work well now in your phone?

Yeah bro its Just so laggy to me do you solve my problem? my phone isHUAWEI Y6 2018

I'm afraid that renpy is like that... nothing we can do, I checked.

But not kick me Be in your mind.

Really liked the concept and the art style. People here usually want everything as fast as possible, but there's no need to rush.
I noticed Elsa recruitment is still available after doing her recruitment event, so i'm not sure whether she wasn't recruited or it's a UI bug, since for now we can't look at our staff members. And a minor thing, if you could make the menu background darker, instead of white, my eyes would appreciate, thanks.

Thank you :)

One question.... In what platform are you playing it?

PS: We'll check on recruiting Elsa bug for next release, thanks for reporting it :)

Windows 10 64 bits

it will be fixed in 0.2 , and GUI improved, you were right.... Too white 

Once this gets a few more updates I look forward to what this could turn into.

We're getting ready 0.2 release but we're not gonna give dates... Once we feel it's ready, we release it.

I think I speak for the majority when I see we prefer to wait than to be given a buggy mess.

I would definitely like to see some pregnancy content 

Not for now... But maybe with a new student girl in the future. Our idea is to explore different kinks with them.

Looks interesting.

Thanks :)

Hey, I see a lot of potential in this project, love the overall concept and application of generative art.

I am interested in contributing Music and Sound Design (not looking for compensation atm).

Do you have a way I can get in contact?

Thank you very much :)

But we're not interested at the moment. We're hands full with a lot of things and we don't have time to integrate sound and music in the game. 

Anways... Thank you!

Great game so far, I cannot wait for more. Maybe add a Vampire Student or Teacher. Or even have one of the witches realize their mistake and seek to join Gael for redemption.

Thank you for your support! 

We are working right now in expanding the stories of the actual characters but... I can say we have some ideas like yours regarding the Witches :D still very far from  there.. but yeah.